Giuliano Foglia speaker at the event “Quando la fotografia diventa arte Collezionare fotografia tra passione, emozione e investimento” organized by WeWealth and Ersel Bank

12 March 2024

Giuliano Foglia spoke at the event “Quando la fotografia diventa arte Collezionare fotografia tra passione, emozione e investimento” organized by WeWealth and Banca Ersel, focusing on the tax aspects of collecting and market valorization of works of art, also in the light of recent regulatory changes, and discussing together with Irene Crocco, founder of Viasaterna, Isabella Villafranca Soissons, Scientific Director of Open Care – Servizi per l’Arter, and Chiara Samorì of We Wealth.

The occasion was very interesting to delve into photography collecting from various points of view, also thanks to the participation of Emanuele Chieli, President of Fondazione Camera – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, Chiara Massimello, art consultant of Christie’s, collector Avv.Claudio Palmigiano and Paola Giubergia, external relations manager of Banca Ersel.